Thursday Email
Every Thursday most people with a CVS online account, and an active card number, get what we call: THURSDAY'S EMAIL.
This email is user specific so not all of you will get it.
Some will get $X off of $Y, some will get X% off all non sales item.
This is what it looks like:
When you click on GET COUPON, it will open a browser and you will have to click SEND TO CARD.
All CVS Couponers just looooove Thursdays.
Monday Extra Savings
Mondays is when you get the new extra saving on your account.
Just log into your cvs account. Click Extra Card and you will see all the new savings.
Make sure you click SEND TO CARD, or you will not be able to use them at the store.
Hey, I didn't realize that you had to actually complete another step to be signed up to get the emails. I thought since I created an online account using my email and had my CVS card linked I was automatically going to get emails but when I didn't have one today I went out and realized it was another step I had to do to sign up for emails. Heads up in case anyone else needs to check your account and be sure you are signed up!